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Data protection for your web applications

With the revision of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP), new rules for your web application came into force on September 1, 2023. But what does the new FADP actually regulate?

The new Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP)

The aim of the new Data Protection Act is to adapt data protection to changing technological and social conditions. Consequently, this means an increase in compliance requirements and stricter penalties for companies.

In terms of compliance requirements, the information and disclosure obligations, documentation requirements, data security regulations and the obligation to report data security breaches will be extended and tightened.

As a tightening of the penal provision, this means that higher fines will be imposed (up to CHF 250,000.00), personal liability will come to the fore and administrative proceedings may be initiated with cost consequences as a result of the strengthening of the supervisory authority's powers.

The new Swiss Data Protection Act is aimed at all companies whose customers are based in Switzerland. This means that the FADP is not based on the company's location, but on its customer data.

What does this mean for my web application?

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David Rellstab


David Rellstab


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